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The 5 Benefits Of Nearshoring

Jul 01, 2022

The 5 Benefits Of Nearshoring

5 Benefits of Nearshoring

In the last ten years, more companies have started to look at different places to outsource their services. In the 1990s, many companies moved to Asia or Eastern Europe for cheaper workers. But now, Central America is becoming a popular choice for technology and service companies.

For example, in Honduras, there are 3.4 million workers, most of them between 18 and 35 years old. Companies in the BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) and ITO (Information Technology Outsourcing) sectors see a lot of potential in this young workforce.

This is where nearshoring comes in. Nearshoring means moving business processes to a nearby country instead of far away. GK, a top company in textiles and real estate, operates in Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico, and the United States. They provide the perfect setup for nearshore business.

At Altia Smart City in San Pedro Sula and Tegucigalpa, companies can enjoy better collaboration, more communication, and higher commitment. The benefits of outsourcing are even better when you choose the right place.

The 5 Big Benefits of Nearshoring

Many US companies are looking for nearshore options in Central America. They want to serve the growing Hispanic market and find new places that might be cheaper or less stressful for workers. Here are some advantages of this trend:

  1. Shorter Flight Times One big benefit of nearshoring is being able to meet your team in person more easily. Shorter flight times make it simple to visit and work closely with your team.
  2. Faster Adaptation Process Sometimes, it takes a long time for outsourced teams to learn a company's way of doing things. With nearshoring, teams often share a similar culture and speak the same language as your company. This makes it easier for them to adapt and start contributing faster.
  3. Higher Participation Through a Similar Culture A similar culture helps nearshore teams understand and solve problems better. In Central American countries like Honduras, Guatemala, and Mexico, the culture is similar to Western culture. This means the teams can provide solutions that fit customer needs well.
  4. Better Infrastructure Many Central American countries have good infrastructure. For example, Altia Smart City has everything a business needs to run smoothly. This makes it a better choice than some remote or offshore locations.
  5. Lower Costs and Higher Quality Nearshoring can save money on labor costs, especially for salaries and social security. The workers in these regions are young, eager to learn, and motivated to grow professionally. This means you get high-quality work for a lower cost.

Extra Benefits at GK Altia Smart City

  • Lower Real Estate Costs: It's cheaper to set up offices and facilities.
  • Skilled Labor: There are over 95,000 bilingual workers available.
  • Fast Setup: The legal framework is business-friendly, making it easy to start operations.
  • Strategic Location: Being close to your home country saves time and money.
  • Less Investment in Internal Infrastructure: You don’t need to spend as much on setting up everything yourself.
  • Increased Flexibility: Nearshoring lets you adapt quickly to changes in business needs.

Nearshoring is a smart choice for businesses looking to move their operations to a nearby country. It offers cost savings, better communication, and skilled workers. Whether you need help with customer services or other business processes, nearshoring can be a cost-effective way to meet your goals. With nearshore locations like Altia Smart City, you get all these benefits and more, making it easier to manage your business operations and save money.

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